Reading can enrich our knowledge and let us view the world in a different percepctive.

If you are wondering what to read after reading The Fault In Our Stars written by

John Green for the sixth or even the tenth time and cried a river. Here is a

list of recommended books that are definately worth reading. All the books are available

to be borrowed in the library.







Call No. Title Author
Total: 25
DV0843 ADV 0019 Thor : The Dark World = 雷神奇俠2 : 黑暗世界 / Marvel Marvel
DV0841 BIO 0023 Wonders of Life = 萬物生機 (Disc 1) / BBC BBC
DV0842 BIO 0024 Wonders of Life = 萬物生機 (Disc 2) / BBC BBC
DV0858 FLM 0015 Merry Christmas = 聖誕快樂 / Directed by Christian Carion Carion, Christian
DV0837 ISC 0003 少年太空人體驗營2013 / 香港太空館學校節目組 香港太空館學校節目組
DV0838 JEN 0039 Frozen = 魔雪奇緣 / Disney Disney
DV0845 JEN 0040 Despicable ME 2 = 壞蛋獎門人2 / Universal Universal
DV0831 LSK 0004 手語隨想曲I/II / 勞工及福利局, 香港電台電視部 勞工及福利局, 香港電台電視部
DV0852 LSK 0005 教學資源 : 認識2012年商品說明(不良營商手法)條例 = Knowing the Trade Descriptions (Unfair Trade Practices) Amendment) Ordinance 2012 / 消費者委員會 消費者委員會
DV0853 LSK 0006 四季人生 = 4 in Life / 校園電視台 校園電視台
DV0830 LST 0022 「呢度拍. NET度散」天水圍中學生錄像短片創作計畫作品結集 / 中英劇團 中英劇團
DV0854 LST 0023 廉政行動2014 = ICAC Investigators (Disc 1) / 廉政公署 廉政公署
DV0855 LST 0024 廉政行動2014 = ICAC Investigators (Disc 2) / 廉政公署 廉政公署
DV0856 LST 0025 廉政行動2014 = ICAC Investigators (Disc 3) / 廉政公署 廉政公署
DV0836 MUS 0010 同行抗毒音樂劇「旅程」/ 保安局禁毒處, 禁毒常務委員會, 香港電台 保安局禁毒處
DV0848 MUS 0011 Les Miserables = 孤星淚 / Universal Universal
DV0846 RED 0004 The Long Way Home = 以色列回家之路 / Directed by Mark Jonathan Harris Harris, Mark Jonathan
DV0839 SEN 0178 The Hunger Games : Catching Fire = 飢餓遊戲2 : 星火燎原 (Disc 1) / Lionsgate Lionsgate
DV0840 SEN 0179 The Hunger Games : Catching Fire = 飢餓遊戲2 : 星火燎原 (Disc 2 - Special Features) / Lionsgate Lionsgate
DV0844 SEN 0180 Gravity / Warner Bros. Warner Bros.
DV0847 SEN 0181 The Great Gatsby / Warner Bros. Warner Bros.
DV0851 SEN 0184 Life of Pi / Fox Fox
DV0857 SEN 0185 The Fault in Our Stars / Fox Fox
DV0849 SEN 182 The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey (Disc 1) / Warner Bros. Warner Bros.
DV0850 SEN 183 The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey (Disc 2 - Special Features) / Warner Bros. Warner Bros.